Chapter 3 Just a Rag Doll Baby.
The women next door finally got a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong there were all kinda of guys in and out of their house, but she was in love with this guy. I think he probably beat her up at least 7 or 8 times. She would come over and tell how he bounced her head off the concrete drive way and all other kind of shit.
One night I was sitting in my chair at home went all kind of lights started going. I looked out the window and there were three police cars, one county and two city cars along with the volunteer fire dept and an ambulance. Holy Shit What's happen now. He had beater her up so bad that, she had to be cared out on a stretcher. I had to explain to the cop what the boyfriend looked like and where he might be. They never found him, but she eventually went back to him. He didn't like me and my wife at all. He also had to go to court over the whole thing and told the Judge that he was going to kill her and my wife. He a psycho case! He finally went to jail for awhile thank God, but I believe he was too scared of my wife to do anything. After all that shit he ended up going to Iraq to fight, and he burn all of her pictures of her kids and wedding picture and video tapes too. It stunk up the whole neighborhood.
Sometime after that she was talking to my wife and neighbor down that road. He happen work for the Sheriff Dept. They were out there talking about this that and another. Somehow the conversation got around to tattoo's. She said I've got one right over my pussy. Pull her pants down and show the tattoo and just above the slit was written TEASURE CHEST!!!!! O my God!!! I wish I had been there or may be not. She said that she had started dancing at a club somewhere. The neighbor looked at my wife and said I'm glad you're here this could look really bad.
Another time two of my friends came over and we were frying up some fish and she came right over and started talking to them, and he tongue was hanging out of her mouth. She kept talking to them and I kept my distance cause I didn't want in on the conversation. She told them they need to come over to her house and have a little "party". I had already warned my friends about her, but they might still have hit it given half a chance.
I know this is a little disfragmented story, but o well now people will stop bugging me about writing it.
One day I was drinking a beer out in my yard and I notice she was out in her yard. At first I looked and then looked again. MY Stripper Neighbor is out in her yard NAKED!! After getting a good look she only had on a micro micro Bikini. Just two silver dollars up top and a thong only covering her slit for bottoms. She was laying out on her front drive way with her 9 year old son. And she wonders why people were staring at her. The daughters were in and out rehab, jail, and everything else. They eventually left and the last time I heard she had gotten even skinner and o'well. She gone. Thank God!!!!
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