How the Redcross tried to kill me!!!!

How the Redcross tried to kill me.
O.K. It was the year 2001, I'm working at the Housing Authority as a HVAC Tech. I've got a BS in Accounting from UNA and I'm working on heating and air conditioning equipment then. I'm a housing Inspector now much easier. Anyway it was just after the 911 attacks and everyone was giving blood.
My co-worked was going to give blood that day and asked if I would too. I'm kinda scared of people taking blood out of me and I had never given blood before. I thought well the least I could do was give blood for my country, so after work we head over to the redcross to give blood.
We final get back there after all the paperwork is done. He and I get stuck at the same time and the blood is flowing in the bag and I'm squezing on the little ball. Everything is going fine, I thought, until I start feeling woosey. I new I was gonna past out, so I told the nurse I didn't feel good and was going to past out!!! She did not seemed concered at all. Then I past the fuck out!!!
O.K. I had not eaten anything since lunch, so I think my blood sugar was low to began with. I've past out a couple of times before and it wasn't that bad, but a little scary. This time was different!! It felt like I was watching TV and the Channels kept changing so fast on different parts of my life and it wouldn't stop. I"M GOONA DIE!!!! Finnally it stopped and I woke up with two nurses aking me if I was ok. I was sweating like a pig and my stomach was flipping like crazy and then I threw-up on the foor two or three times. I feel like I had just escaped death and I need to go to the hospital!!!!
Even as bad as everything was. Suddenly realized, WHAT THE HELL THERE STILL PUMPING BLOOD OUTTA MY ARM!!!!! Damn these people really want my blood. And of course at this point since my blood sugar is low already. I past THE FUCK OUT AGAIN!!!!!! The whole time I can hear my friend that got me to go, laughing his ass off in the background!!!!
I wake up once again still throwing up and sweating as they are taking the needle out I filled the bag up finnally. They didn't seem to think it was a big deal. I am totally freaking sick, It feels like theres whole in my stomach and I'm still throwing up every 5 min. My friend is still laughing hard.
My co-worker has to take me home cause there is no way I can drive at all. We get in his truck and I'm hanging my head out the window. Then He says "I hate to do this to you, but my wife needs me to pick up a bucket of KFC at the drive threw." O hell Greasy chickin smell. The whole time I'm throwing up out the passenger side window at every breath of greasy chickin. I get home and my wife say I told you not to go, THATS WHAT I NEED NOW someone nagging on me.
It took me three days to get back to normal, and still every 3 months the Redcross calls me to give blood and I always tell them ya'll tried to kill me.
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