Chapter 1 My granddad's house

My granddad bought about10 acres of land back in the 50’s and move a house on it. This is the house I live in today. He built several houses around these ten acres and sold some off. When he died he lived next door to me and my Mom and Dad lived on the other side of him where I grew up. I didn’t move far from home, just two doors down.
After my granddad died, they were forced to sell the house. An older couple moved in and they both had lung cancer. I’m like well they ain’t gonna be living long. They seemed pretty good, they kept the yard and carport a little messy, but it wasn’t bad.
They also had daughters that came over all the time with there kids. The daughters never really seem to help the Mother and Dad that much, besides my mom and wife cut their grass all the time, because they couldn’t or wouldn’t cut it.
After time went by two of the daughters started living with them. That’s when stuff started pilling up. Today there are 6 cars and trucks that do not work sitting in the yard. Mattress and other shit just laying in the yard or around the outside of the house. The carport is so cluttered it is shoulder high full of junk, only one path going to the side door. One time I went inside a lord have mercy junk everywhere. There were only paths to go by. My granddad and grandmother are rolling in their graves!!
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