Whinnie the Pooh

Last weekend I attended a hockey game in Nashville. Since my wife bought season tickets we sit in the same seats and also the loudest section. There is a couple and their cute kid that sits next to us at every game. The kid, his name is William and is about 3, I know because he celebrated his birthday about month ago, and the attractive couple looks to be in there mid-twenties. The boy is very well behaved; he doesn’t cry much and just squirms a little. His mom and I talk a little thought out the game, and William will cheer and talk to me also.
This weekend he showed me his stuff animal. It was all raged and frayed, as if it had been played with constantly. I said “That must be your favorite doggie”. He replayed “that is not a dog, but a hyena.” You could tell that was his pride and joy.
My brother also had a stuff animal named Barnard. He loved it too. Played with the thing for hours on end. I also being young at the time played with it too. My brother and I took this and other stuff animal on vacation with us every summer for about 5 years straight. My dad would get a two week vacation from Shoals Community College, and off we would go across country. When you driving or ride for 10 to twelve hours a day, this will make you go stir crazy. So, to fight the boredom my brother and I would put on shows with all these little stuff animals. We laughed so much I couldn’t breathe and my ribs hurt. What a wonderful time we had.
Remember Winnie the Pooh, Eeyor, Tigger, Piglet and of course Christopher Robin. How they played in the 100 acre woods for hours. Always learning about life and emotions from the stories that they told. Christopher Robins was always the all knowing and wiseiest. Maybe that’s one reason little kids like playing doll or with stuff animals. They get to be the one that is all knowing and tell other people what to do. Well in the end Christopher robin grows up and puts down his playful toys, and just leaves them sitting their in the corner. And that’s how Pooh’s life ends.
Some how we grow out of different stages in our life, and we leave things, people and even emotions behind. We get caught up in life and say that’s kids stuff, and I’m grown up now, that’s silly. Maybe that’s what kids try to do for us, as much as they want to be part of our world, they also want us to be a part of theirs, and if for just one moment we would get down on their level and not try to make them come up to ours. We just might learn to have a little more fun in life! Point is never ever grow-up, because I like being that imaginative little kid!
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