Chapter 5 poltergeist

Chapter 5 Poltergeist
Well my story is coming to an end now. There is this one last chapter, until other things happen and I'm sure there will be. Anyway my house is very old built in the 1920's, like I said it's old.
My floor in the bathroom was getting weak and I had been putting it off. So about a month ago Mitch invited me to a party at Hazzard County, I like parties especially when there is beer involved 4 kegs. Well Mitch and I went to the party. Had a grand time and listen to some great music and meet a lot of people. Well I was the DD for the evening, so I stay sober enough to drive home. I'm sorry Mitch, but I got to tell the whole story. It's still funny as hell.
Anyway we get to my house at about 3 a.m. Mitch is very hungry and drunk, so we were in the kitchen. I said "you stay right there and don't move and I'll fix you some sausage and biscuits". I'm fixin the breakfast and he's looking for anything to eat, and I notice he was eaten something. Then Mitch said "are these cookies old? They taste stale." He had already eaten 2 or 3 of them. I looked up at him and realized what was happening. I said "No, Mitch those are not cookies. THERE DOG BISCUITS!!" He's gonna kill me for telling that, but o well I could have told something far worst.
Anyway at one point in the night he stepped through the floor in my bathroom, so this meant for sure that I had to refloor the bathroom. I took off work the next Tuesday to refloor my bathroom. This is a major task. I had ripped up the floor and it was about 2:30ish and I'm standing on the ground half way in and out of the bathroom. I'm hot and sweaty and pissed off a little. Then a lady came to the door with a spray bottle in one hand. She is about 5'2" and has a short lesbian hair style and looks to be about 45 or near there. So my wife goes the door and talks to the lady out on the porch. I'm still working away, but watch to see what is going on. I don't even recognize this lady maybe she trying to sell something.
My wife talks to her for about 30 mins. And then my wife comes back in.
I ask "Who was that." She told me that is was one of the daughters from next door. I said "It was. She doesn't even look the same. What in the world were ya'll talking about?" But did I really won't to know?
Ok some more background info. Before we go any further . Like I mention before my Grandmother and Granddaddy built the house next door, and lived in it for 30 years. At one point my Great-grandmother stayed with them a while, then my two cousins lived with them for a while after my great-grandmother left.
Ok, I not sure whether I believe in ghost, but as many stories as I have heard in my life somethings got to be going on. I've never seen or heard a ghost or anything like that. My wife believes in them and, so does my cousins now.
My cousin was sleeping one night at my granddads house. During the night he heard whistling, woke up and a man was standing at the foot of his bed and then he disappeared and showed up in my other cousins room. She assumed that is was the ghost of my Great-Granddad. She told the ghost that his wife was no longer staying here and then it disappeared. She never saw it again the whole time she stayed there.
My granddad use to sing and whistle all the time when he was alive. He use to play on the radio. He could play the guitar and harmonica at the same time in his youth. He loved music. My granddad has been dead now for at least 7 years. Every once in a while my wife says she still hears him whistle around the yard. My nephews one day came down to my yard and both of them said when they past by my granddads house they heard whistling. There only 9 and 7 years old at the time. Even my dad he thought he heard whistling one day too. My dad does not believe in ghost at all.
Back to the story at hand. My wife has just got threw talking to one of the daughters next door. The daughter told my wife that they are hearing a man whistling while walking down the hallway and going into the back bathroom. The chills are going down my back now. She said that this happens quite a bit. I'm thinking alright my granddads haunting them! She also said that there is green slime in kitchen and every time they go to clean it up it disappears. She thinks that it is from a poltergeist and it's FREAKING ECTOPLASM!!!!! Somebody call Ghostbusters! I'm thinking yeah it's my grandmother haunting them because her house is so dirty now. She kept a very clean house! Then she said that green slime was coming up into the toilet bowl and that every once in a while a fish would pop up!!!!! OOO MY GOD!!!!!THIS BITCH IS CRAZY!!!!!!! She then said that her sister keeps seeing (OK I NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP PEOPLE, I'M NOT, ITS REAL) in the backyard U.F.O.s!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The daughter also said that they were getting scabs on their arms and the whole time she talked to my wife she was spraying Fabrez on her arms. They said that they were going to move out for 2 weeks and see if it got better. O well they move for two weeks and now there back, don't know what's going on now, but I'm sure something else will happen sooner or later.
I might tell ya about My Stripper Neighbor that was hooked on Meth that live across the street from me she also had 2 teenage daughters!! They were giving BJ's behind the house!!
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