The cops came by Tuesday like I said. So the next night about the same time 6:30 ish I’m up cooking in the kitchen. I like to cook I don’t like to clean it up, so I don’t cook too much. I standing there thinking about what I’m fixin to eat, when my wife say I think someone is in our yard. I go over to the door look out and some people with flash lights looking in a car in the driveway next door. I said “it’s just the neighbors looking for something”. I went back to cooking. Then my wife says there is someone coming to the door. I thought somebody’s trying to sell something. I’ll go see. As I get to the door this skinny tall guy about mid to late forties dressed in black jeans and black shirt with a black jacket on, he’s gotta theme going on here, but I also notice the badge on his hip and a black jack on his belt!! After saying hello. He says he working with the Florence Police Dept. and holds up a flier and asks have you seen this man.
At this point I’m thinking to myself DAMIT!!! COPS!!! Again. I also notice another man is with him. He is dressed in plain clothes, or I should say he looks like a painter. I can usually tell when someone’s a painter or so called painter. It has to do with painting and not wearing a mask. Anyway I looked at the flyer. He did not look familiar at first, let my wife Teresa look at it and she remembered him. Then she refreshed my memory. I do know this guy. He used to LIVE NEXT DOOR!!!
About 6 months prior to seeing this flyer, there was this guy that live next door with one of the sisters. One of the boyfriends I guess. I had seen him around there house trying to get some of the cars cranked around there yard. He had also talked to my Mother who lives two doors down. He told her that he had just gotten back from Iraq and was waiting on his disability, some kinda hold up on it or something on. He told her, he was trying to fix up one of their cars because he didn’t have one. He also said he would paint my house for $200. And when my mom was telling me this I told my Mom he is a crook. First off, if he was in Iraq he was getting tax free money for fighting, so he should have plenty of cash to buy a least a $1000 car. And he is smoking crack if he’s gonna paint my house for $200.00 NO FUCKING WAY!!!!! My house is small, but it’s all paint.
After talking to the men on my porch I realize they are NOT COPS at all. Something far worse BOUNTY HUNTERS. Bounty Hunters have a lot more rights about what they can do than cops. Well I’ve told him everything I know and he’s happy. The guy in question had skipped bond and they were looking for him. He said he had tried to get someone next door, but no one answered. We shook hands and said bye, seemed like a nice enough fellow.
I go back to cooking. This took all in all about 30 min. Well about 15 min. later, my wife says the lady next door is trying to get up the steps. I’m never going to eat tonight. ARRGGGGHHHH!!!! Ok my neighbor who is let’s say 70ish she has had lung cancer, she can’t hardly breath(she uses oxygen), had a bad car wreck about a month ago and is in general very bad health. So, I go outside and help her up onto my porch and in to the house. She says that she will pay me $10, if I’ll go and get her medicine at the pharmacy at foodworld which is all the way into town and it’s already 7:30 pm. I said no I’ll go get your medicine don’t pay me.
OK where are her grown daughters and why am I having to do this???
I call the Pharmacist to see if I could actually do this and to my surprise he said yes, so off I go. They fill the prescription and I ask what is this….. just being noisy. He said what is was and I said what is that? He said its diet pills. DIET PILLS!!!!!! I thought to myself. I came all the way out here for diet pills? I thought she needed something important. DAMIT!!!!
Anyway, I took the medicine back to her house, the one with the cluttered carport. I still did not take any money, so she said there was a pizza in her car and for me to take it. Just to get the whole ordeal over with I said OK. I go to her car and there are sacks of groceries in the car from the same store I just when to. WHAT????? And in one of the sacks is a frozen Digorno’s Pizza the good one. I took it home!!! Then when I go home I thought, you know she can’t drive, so how long has that pizza be out there? Well it just pizza and it was good. I told my wife I bet the FBI will come Tomorrow. She didn’t think that it was funny.
Chapter 4 The Dea Guy!!
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