Big Red or Buddy the dog.
I wish my wife had written a book about all the animals, we have had over the years. It would be very interesting, so instead ya’ll get to read it from me.
About 7 years ago we had a dog come up to the house it was a mix of a bloodhound of sorts. He belonged to, yet I say one of my uncaring neighbors down the dirt road. He would come to my house several times a day, and he was the sweetest dog you would ever meet! We even had a name for him Buddy. My wife and I would feed him, if it looked like he was starving, which was most of the time. He would come to our door and sit and we’d let him in. He’d stay a little bit and hangout with all my dogs and then leave. My good neighbor across the street would feed him too, he loved the dog also. My neighbor had always called him Big Red cause he had red tint to him.
He’d been living in the hood about 2 years hanging out. Then one day I was headed to work and saw the most horrible thing. Buddy was lying on the Cloverdale Road……Dead not moving. He was half way in the road DEAD!!! Well I told my wife what had happen and it was very sad to say the least. I returned home from work ready to collect the body and bury him, but did not see him by the road. The clean up crew must have come and gotten him. He was a big dog. We’re all sad, even my neighbor that feed him.
Well about two weeks later me and my wife are sitting on the couch and I look over by the storm door and I was scared to dead I was looking at a Ghost!!!! I was shaken to my bones. There stood Buddy in the door way!!!! I thought is was a ghost!!! I told my wife to “look”. It scared her too!!!! We both jumped up and realized IT WAS BUDDY!!!! He looked horrible Skin and bones, his hip was outta place and had a 4 inch cut on his back hip and cuts on his head. He was in really bad shape. Well we doctored him up the best we could that day. We ended up nursing him back to health over the months. He always had a funny walk to him after that.
He lived around the hood for about a year longer, then we never saw him again, he must have went off to die I guess. I never forget the shock of my life, thinking I was seeing a Ghost!! Or was it?