Life is strange.

I’ve been working at my job for 6 years now and love it. I worked in the maintenance dept. for about 3 years at first and then transferred to the Office as an Inspector. Sometimes in Maintenance I would have to go to the main office and fix on the A/C. Usually when I was there, the two Secretaries would talk to me and I would banter back and forth with them. I really like them and thought, I bet they’re fun to work with, plus they were cute too.
After finally working in the office we had become pretty good friends and we all got along very well, as a matter of fact too well, we’d get in trouble from time to time for horse playing in the office. Well, Teresa (my friend at work) is ½ Scottish and ½ Bear Creek, I found out. She’s always saying Bloody this and Bloody that and Bugger this and Bugger that, which if you British these are bad words. She always talking and very loud too, you can always tell where she is in the office. She is a very sweet down to earth kind girl, I liked her a lot from the get go, and we got along great!
We got to talking one day about where we came from and what her last name used to be, and then I soon realized, she might be kin to me. For about a year we just played like we were kin. Then one weekend she got me to go to her family reunion and low a behold if I didn’t know just as many people as she did! Come to find out we are 3rd Cousins!! Wow!!! So we gotta claim each other now. I’m glad I’ve gotten to know her and her family over the years and may there be many more to come.
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