Monday, April 17, 2006

Mitch is gone.

Mitch is outta here.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My other neighbor that brings me beer.

My other neighbor that brings me beer.
My neighbor that lives katty cornor from me is great!!! He is very OCD!!!! I mean very. My uncle used to own the house, he bought it from my grandad when he built it. Well one day I went over and he always keeps a cadilica for a few years and then buys another. That day he had his hood opened and O my God!!!! It sparkled I could have litteally eaten scrabled eggs off the intake manafold!!! There was not dust at all, it look cleaner than when it was bought at the Dealership. I said "man that a clean engine". He said that is dad told him anytime there is dirt on a engine you might as well not even have a car. Lord I hope he never sees mine.
Also when it rains, I know that the rain is over when he cranks up his leaf blower. Get this He blow dries his ASSFAULT DRIVEWAY!!!!!! I don't understand!!!!!